

留言人 Fan xia ming --2000年7月13日,10:29


Blood to Blood

From Fan Xiaming 10:29, July 13, 2000

When I was young I read a picture album with a black cover! I was tedious and burdensome! The name of that album seemed to be CRIMINAL RECORD OF THE JAPANESE INVADER . It collected the Japanese slaughtering photos ,many of them were taken in Nanjing. I was shivering all over and if there was a Japanese stand besides me I would kill him without any hesitation. Until now I still believe I would do this! However the Chinese government was calling for friendship between Japanese and Chinese at that time. In addition, there were many pictures about the Japanese common people saw off their armies as well as many pictures about factories producing Japan flags. From then on I learned that it is not simply some militarists who are aggressive but also the whole Japanese race! Japanese is more than a common wolfhound but a clever wolfhound!

I know a little Japanese and I am willing to do something for you!

(Trans. By Sheron)



作者:lg [7月12日,20:46]


Policy and Patriotism

From LG 20:46, July 12, 2000

I have some thoughts after reading some people’s notes on talent and policy.

I once read an article about Alban.Hammor, the father of atom bomb. At the end of this article there was a moving sentence from Alban who had had many persecute, “ Demn it , I do love this country”. I found myself in tears after I had finished this article.

Since we cannot choose our nationality when we were born, then we should solidly love this country which gave us lives and brought us up, to love her beauty of natural scenic and to love her vast area.

No matter how poor or burdensome she is, once we lose confidence and faith to her , how can she not be mistreated?! As her children how can we feel proud and elated?!

(Trans. By Sheron)


留言人 英国华人 --2000年7月10日,2:24

内容 这个网站早就该建了,而且在短期内赶快成立英文和日文版内容!不仅仅让中国人永远铭记,也要让更多的外国友人了解,事实上很多外国人对南京大屠杀不了解,甚至不知道,但一提纳粹集中营的没有谁会说自己不知道!

Continue War of Resistance! Strike Japanese Right-Wing Anti-China people!

From A Chinese in Britain 2:24AM, July10,2000

This website should have already been set up earlier, in addition, its English and Japanese versions should be ready in a short period of time in order to not only make the Chinese people remember the history forever but also make more and more foreigners to learn the truth. Unfortunately, many foreigners know nothing about the Nanjing Massacre while no one will say that they know nothing about the Nazi Concentration Camp.

The Chinese people has done too little to make themselves remember the history in the past days and now this is the right time to do something!

We should make good use of internet, a tool cheap and speedy, to make our voice heard and to smash the lies that are spread by the Japanese right-wing people.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope you website can become better and better and let more people in the world to learn the historical truth!

(Trans. By Sheron)


never forget, never forgive

留言人 Anti-TI --2000年7月9日,4:56

内容 Every time the Chinese government asks other nations to stop harming Chinese feelings and national interests, I get angry. Can your communists acting up, stop corruption, and behave like a man! We have given your 50 years of time to make China a strong and rich nation, and you failed to deliver the promises! If you communists can’t do it, let someone else to it! Stop pleading; start to act, only the economical strength, the military power can let others hear what you’ve got to say, if you are strong, you can make wrong right, and make black white! If you are strong, you go around and kick other nations’ ass!

never forget, never forgive (directly cited)

From Anti-TI 4:56pm, July 9,2000

Every time the Chinese government asks other nations to stop harming Chinese feelings and national interests, I get angry. Can your communists acting up, stop corruption, and behave like a man! We have given your 50 years of time to make China a strong and rich nation, and you failed to deliver the promises! If you communists can’t do it, let someone else to it! Stop pleading; start to act, only the economical strength, the military power can let others hear what you’ve got to say, if you are strong, you can make wrong right, and make black white! If you are strong, you go around and kick other nations’ ass!



留言人 杨老令公 --2000年7月9日,1:38

内容 注意:不要在沉浸在“中日世世代代友好”的一相情愿的白日梦中。对中国对亚洲最大的威胁还是日本,这是由日本的国情、地理位置和国民心态所决定的。大多数日本国民具有扩张心理,真正有良知的有正义感的日本人必定是极少数,不然就不会有今天的日本政府,就不会有东史郎先生的败诉,就不会有否定南京大屠杀。从历史上看,日本从来就不是中国的朋友自戚继光抗倭已经几百年,日本还不成国时,其浪民对中国的骚扰捣乱又和止几百年?快快清醒头脑,从“中日友好”的美梦中醒来

About China and Japan

From Yang 1:38, July9,2000

Be careful: do not enjoy the one-sided day dream of “ The Forever Friendship between China and Japanese”.
Japan is the biggest menance to China in Asia which is resulted in Japan’s geographical situation and its people psychology. Most Japanese have the idea of expanding their territory while those who have conscience and the feeling of justice must be few, otherwise there will not be a Japanese government like the one exists today; will not be the losing lawsuit of Mr. 东史郎 and will not be the repudiation of Nanjing Massacre. Looking back for the history Japan has never been a friend of China. Hundreds of years ago Qi Jiguang fought the Japanese from invading China, not to mention the disturbance from Japan when the time it was not yet a country. Do wake up quickly from the sweet dream of “ China and Japan be friends”.

(Trans. By Sheron)


留言人 无言 --2000年7月8日,19:27
内容 代表烈士,代表慰安妇、代表中国人;

“ Three New Represent” and “Three New Talk”

From Wordless 19:27, July 8, 2000

Represent the dead; represent the appease women ; represent Chinese.Talk history to Japan, Talk about compensation; Talk all things need to be talked.

(Trans. By Sheron)


留言人 grey --2000年7月8日,14:05

内容 看着这一张张血肉模糊的图片,心里不仅一阵酸楚,想不到日本军阀这么残忍,简直禽兽不如,更使我感到落后就要挨打,尤其对于处在青年的我更应努力学习,为国效力!

Working Hard to Strengthen Our Country

From Grey 14:05, July 8, 2000

Looking at all these bloody pictures I feel so sad and uncomfortable, I can never imagine how crude the Japanese warlords could be. They were even worse than surly beasts.

I think it is true that the weak is doomed to be beaten. I myself as a young person should learn harder than ever before and try my best to do something for my motherland.

(Trans. By Sheron)



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