In more than a half-century since dle end ofWorld War n ,relatively liule
I has been published about the Japanese occupation of China,during which
an estimated 30 million Chinese were killed.The Rape of Nanking,or
Nanking Massacre,in which at least 369,366 people were slaughtered alld
80,000 women were raped by Japanese invasion ffoops,has become litde
more than a historical roonlote in dle West.
The honor began on ale moming of December 13,1937,when the
Japanese Imperial Amly captured Nanking(nanjing),which was alen
China's capital.Soldiers went through the streets indiscriminate1y kiUing
Chinese men,women,and children wialoat apparent pmvocation or excuse
until in places the sUeets and alleys were liUered widl the bodies of dleir
victims .
Thousands of women were raped by Japanese soldiersideaat was
bequendy dle penalty for tlte slightest resistance by a victim or members
of her family.Even large numbers of young girls and old women were raped
throughout the city,and many cases of abnormal and sadistic behavior in
connection widl dlese rapes were reported.Many women were Rlled after
the act and aleir bodies mutilated.
For the next six week,while horrific rape continued,wholesale murder
of male civilians was conducted with Ule apparent sanction of ale Japanese
high commald.Hundreds of dlousands of civilians and disarmed ex-soldiers
were arrayed in formation,dleir hands bound behiDd dleir backs,and
marched outside ale city wan where,in groups,dtey were beheaded,or bmied
alive,or bayoneted,or raked wial machine-gun fre,or doused wial gasoline
and bumed.
This book,using more than 400 historical photographs,many of which
were taken by Japanese soldiers dlemselves,is published to commemorate
ale sixtieal anniversary of dle Rape of Nanking,to remind the world of the
forgonen holocaust ofWW n , and to honor history and answer any auempt
to deny or change it.